Los Angeles Gala 2024

Los Angeles Gala 2024 Digital Banner - Thursday, April 11, 2024 at the Maybourne Hotel, Beverly Hills, California

DATE: Thursday, April 11, 2024

LOCATION: Maybourne Hotel, Los Angeles, California

Joe Torre Safe At Home proudly invites you to our 2024 Annual Los Angeles Gala on Thursday, April 11th at the Maybourne in Beverly Hills, CA.

As we commemorate Safe At Home’s impact in Los Angeles, we will be joined by special guests from the worlds of sports, music, and entertainment, along with our life saving counselors, staff, board  and supporters for Red Carpet and Cocktails, followed by Dinner, a moving Program, Live Auction and musical performance by artist, songwriter, producer and changemaker, MILCK. As always, our Master of Ceremonies Bob Costas will join Joe and a celebrity panel of Champions who have made the impossible possible in sports and culture.  And we will have the extraordinary privilege of honoring Alison Petrocelli for her commitment, dedication and investment in Safe at Home since our inception in LA. 

Proceeds from the event support our work to shape a world where everyone is safer and braver, together. We’re dreaming bigger for an even brighter future. Your commitment, support, and generosity will go a long way in making this possible. Please consider the sponsorship, table and ticket opportunities enclosed and confirm your support.

We look forward to seeing you alongside the Safe At Home community on April 11th.


Charmaine Bailey • Joseph & Rita Cohen • Lindsay Crystal Miller  • Gia Levin • Edward Mady

Linda Tatum • Mareva Marciano • Neda Marroso • Daniel Petrocelli • Jeff Proctor

Michelle Richman • Tawny Sanders • Eve Somer • Vaun Wilmott • Lori Yve Sunkin


Jocelyn Toner • Jocelyn@joetorre.org • 808.358.4411

Jennifer Coppola Mastri • jennifer@joetorre.org • 212.880.7367

Dinner Sponsorship Opportunities


Three priority-placed tables for 10 guests each • Logo prominently displayed on signage at event • Corporate recognition in media announcements and printed materials • Recognition of sponsorship from the stage • Full-page, color ad in dinner journal • Recognition on Safe At Home’s website and e-blasts • Special meet & greet and photo opportunity with invited celebrities


Two priority-placed tables for 10 guests each • Logo prominently displayed on signage at event • Corporate recognition in media announcements and printed materials • Recognition of sponsorship from the stage • Full-page, color ad in dinner journal • Recognition on Safe At Home’s website and e-blasts • Special meet & greet with invited celebrities


One priority-placed table for 10 guests • Logo prominently displayed on signage at event • Recognition of sponsorship from the stage • Half-page, color ad in dinner journal • Recognition of your event sponsorship on Safe At Home’s website


One table for 10 guests • Logo displayed on signage at the event • Recognition of sponsorship from the stage • Inclusion of logo in the dinner journal • Recognition of event sponsorship on Safe At Home’s website.


Six tickets to the event • Recognition on signage at the event • Recognition of event sponsorship on Safe At Home’s website


One ticket to the event • Recognition of event sponsorship on Safe At Home’s website and journal

If you would like to attend the event, please contact Jennifer Mastri at jennifer@joetorre.org

Can't attend the Gala but would still like to support our mission?

Please donate below.